Theological Study Lectures 2022

            Over the course of 2021 the Eastern Regional Conference of the Churches of God hosted a series of online theological lectures.  In keeping with our stated mandate to Discover, Develop, and Deploy Disciples for Jesus Christ, these lectures fell under the umbrella of discipleship; teaching us what it means to be a disciple of Jesus and equipping us to live out that calling, raising up the next generation to follow him.

            Due to my position on our region’s Credentialing and Placement Commission I had the blessing of moderating each of these lectures and benefited extraordinarily from each one.  This year we have a great lineup for a blend of in-person and virtual lectures. Below are links to the lectures that have already happened and announcements for upcoming lectures this year.

Dr. Michael Bird What is the New Perspective on Paul? 3-10-22 (Virtual) The New Perspective on Paul has been one of the most controversial topics in Pauline studies in the last fifty years. This lecture explains what it is, what is right and what is wrong about it, and what you should take away. Dr Bird 3 10 2022 - YouTube

Dr. Nicholas Perrin Kingdom Leadership in Times of Exile 5-23-22 (In-Person) Western culture – its values, goals, and assumptions – is changing at a dizzying rate. Whatever misgivings past culture has had about Christianity, these have only intensified in a posture of open hostility. The church’s marginalization in society brings its own unique challenges and temptations. Reflecting on four of Jesus’ I AM statements, this series of messages will identify practical principles for church leaders hoping to lead faithfully through times of exile, while navigating new and complex political dynamics both inside and outside the church.

Dr. Carmen Imes 3 Myths & 3 Truths About Lament 6-20-22 (Virtual) Christians often avoid lament because they fear it will be unhealthy for themselves or for others. In this lecture, Dr. Imes helps us reconsider the value of lament and its indispensability for the life of faith. 3 Myths & 3 Truths about Lament: Dr. Carmen Imes - YouTube

Dr. Patrick Schreiner What is Jesus Doing Now? 8-18-22 (Virtual) The good news of Jesus commonly includes his life, death, resurrection, and future return -- but what about his ascension to heaven? Though often neglected or misunderstood, the ascension is essential to the gospel. Without the ascension Jesus’ work would be incomplete. Not only a key moment in the gospel story, Jesus’ ascension was necessary for his present ministry in and through the church. Jesus’ residence in heaven marks a turning point in his three-fold offices of prophet, priest, and king. As prophet, Jesus builds the church and its witness. As priest, he intercedes before the Father. As king, he rules over all. Dr Patrick Schreiner - YouTube

Dr. Lynn Cohick Ephesians: God’s Vision for the Church 10-24-22 (In-Person) Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians lays out God’s vision for the Church, and the Church’s purpose. In this lecture series, Dr. Cohick will explore Paul’s teachings on the Trinity, the redemptive work of Christ, and believers’ call to live a life worthy of God’s grace, through an inductive reading of this epistle.

Dr. Jonathan Lunde Living Covenantally in an Age of Apostasy 11-7-22 (Virtual) Anyone who has taken a look at the numbers of young people leaving the church and even the Christian faith itself will know we are living in what might come to be labelled an "Age of Apostasy." While the reasons for this alarming trend are complex and varied, it certainly suggests that something is not being passed on to the next generation that would move them to continue following Jesus, in spite of their perception of the missteps of the evangelical church. One such contributing factor to this reality is the defective model of discipleship that is being embraced by this younger generation, leaving them bereft of the transformative and enabling grace of Jesus, and ignorant of his robust summons to kingdom righteousness. In response to this state of affairs, Dr. Lunde, considers what it means to "live covenantally" with God--a rhythm that constrains, enables, and impels. Dr Jonathan Lunde - YouTube


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Mark 12:1-12 - A Modern Parable