Theological Study Lectures

            Over the course of 2021 the Eastern Regional Conference of the Churches of God hosted a series of online theological lectures.  In keeping with our stated mandate to Discover, Develop, and Deploy Disciples for Jesus Christ, these lectures have fallen under the umbrella of discipleship; teaching us what it means to be a disciple of Jesus and equipping us to live out that calling, raising up the next generation to follow him.

            Due to my position on our region’s Credentialing and Placement Commission I have had the blessing of moderating each of these lectures and have benefited extraordinarily from each one.  And so, I want to make them easily accessible to you as well!  Below are the lectures from this year. We are already in the works for a great blend of in-person and virtual lectures for 2022!

Dr. Carmen Imes Bearing God’s Name: The Old Testament Basis for the Church’s Mission 1-26-21 Would you be surprised if someone claimed that the Old Testament Law is foundational for Christian witness? The covenant at Sinai is the key to discovering the church's identity and vocation in the world. In this lecture, Dr. Imes looks at the arc of biblical theology as a basis for our mission as the people of God. (Don't worry, you can still eat bacon.) Bearing God's Name with Dr. Carmen Imes - YouTube


Dr. Vincent Bacote Loving God and His World: Holistic Discipleship without Public Idolatry 2-1-21 Christians have always had the opportunity and responsibility to be people of personal piety and public engagement. In this lecture, Dr. Bacote considers how attention to Christian beliefs leads us to pursue this fullness of life with God while avoiding the pitfalls often associated with public/political concerns. 2 1 2021 Dr Vincent Bacote Webinar - YouTube


Dr. Sydney Park Taking Up the Cross and Following Christ 2-8-21 Bluntly put, to love and follow Christ is hard! Especially if we heed Christ's own definition of discipleship in Mk 8:34-38. Whatever the demands of discipleship, they are outweighed by the glory of knowing Christ and being conformed to him. In this lecture, Dr. Park explores both the demands and rewards of discipleship. 2 8 2021 Dr Sydney Park - YouTube


Dr. Fred Sanders Disciples of the Trinity 5-10-21 We usually think of discipleship in terms of following Jesus, and for good reason. But following Jesus includes having his Father as our Father, and his Spirit as our Spirit. In this Lecture, Dr. Sanders shows the deep trinitarian structure of being a disciple of Jesus. Disciples of the Trinity Dr Fred Sanders - YouTube


Rev. Dr. Christopher J.H. Wright Living the Story: Integral Mission and the Centrality of the Gospel 6-21-21 "Mission" is a vast topic with many dimensions and sometimes disagreements among Christians as to what it really involves.  In this lecture Dr. Wright will argue that we need to integrate every dimension of our mission around the centrality of the biblical gospel. Lecture Dr Christopher J H Wright - YouTube

 Dr. Myrto Theocharous Justice and Care for the Poor in the book of Deuteronomy 7-12-21 The book of Deuteronomy is a foundational document for the people of Israel. It is the constitution that will cultivate their new identity as freed former slaves. At the heart of this document is God’s heart for the poor and marginalized. In this lecture, Dr. Theocharous explores how the treatment of these people is determinative of Israel’s identity before God. Justice and Care for the Poor in the Book of Deuteronomy - YouTube

Dr. Nijay Gupta Living as Good Citizens in the Gospel Kingdom 8-23-21 The Apostle Paul uses different terms and metaphors for discipleship in his letters. In Philippians Paul employs the language of "citizenship" (1:27; 3:20). In this lecture, Dr. Gupta will explore why Paul chose this political language and how it shapes how we think about being Christian and following God as one people representing the gospel kingdom. Dr Nijay Gupta 8-23-2021 - YouTube


Dr. David G. Firth Harlots and Heroes: Foreigners in the Former Prophets 9-20-21 The Former Prophets are often viewed as taking a negative view towards foreigners. But close attention to these books, shows that they are constantly exploring the nature of Israel as the people of God, and that Israel emerges as a people that includes numerous foreigners, the presence of whom might surprise us. This model challenges the church today as it considers its own shape as the people of God. Dr David Firth Harlots and Heroes - YouTube

Dr. Gordon T. Smith The Essential Elements of a Dynamic Pneumatology:   Cultivating Clarity and Conviction Regarding the Ministry of the Holy Spirit. 10-25-21 As we eagerly seek to know what it means for an individual Christian to “walk in the Spirit” and for the church to be a community that is united by the Spirit, edified by the Spirit and guided by the Spirit, we first need clarity on four key questions:  the Spirit and Christ, the Spirit and Creation, the Spirit and the Word, and the Spirit and the Church. Dr Gordon Smith - YouTube

Dr. Michael Gorman The Cruciform Shape of Discipleship and Ministry 11-8-21
Most Christians believe that the cross is the source of their salvation, their life in Christ as his disciples. But the New Testament teaches us that the cross is also the shape of our discipleship. We will explore this aspect of the New Testament, highlighting texts from the gospels, the letters, and Revelation. 11 8 2021 Dr Michael Gorman - YouTube

Dr. J. Richard Middleton Voices from the Ragged Edge: The Gritty Spirituality of the Psalms for a Broken World 12-6-21 Given the amazing biblical vision of God’s intentions for the flourishing of earthly life, what are we to do in times of crisis and suffering, when God’s purposes do not seem to be fulfilled? This presentation will probe the nature and power of the lament psalms as faithful models for bold and honest prayer to the God of all creation. Not only are these psalms grounded in the very pattern of the biblical story, but they provide the people of God with a powerful existential resource for processing pain in a manner that leads to genuine hope both for ourselves and those with whom we minister. 12 6 2021 Dr Richard Middleton - YouTube


2021 Reading List


When God Does Abundantly Far Less Than We Imagined